Vedic Astrology Readings with Alix Clamen

Vedic Astrology Consultations : Our individual constellation of personality, path, and life experience is unique to us. By examining your personal planetary blueprint and karmic journey, your own path becomes more clear. Vedic Astrology is traditionally called Jyotish or 'The Science of Light”. Jyotish is a spiritual science which reveals the energies you are working with, and what you came here to learn. Working with the sky in this way helps us to understand the greater cosmic mind, for as above, so below. Personal Life Readings are $175 and are a great place to start. There are more consolation options available on my website.

Alix Clamen

Alix Claman is a Vedic Astrologer and Mentor who has been deeply immersed in holistic, earth-based healing practices and ancient wisdom traditions for over a decade. She is a level III, M.A, graduate from the American Academy of Vedic Art & Science, founded by Sam Geppi, and has been a fully flourishing Vedic Astrologer with ongoing clients since 2015. She is also currently enrolled in Dr. David Frawley’s ‘Integral Vedic Counseling Course’ and continues her ongoing education with an inspired love of learning.




Reiki Healing